About Hypoxic Peaks….


Free- Soul!

“The path to AUTHENTICITY is filled with so much challenges of unlearning and letting go.”

Life is damn boring if you choose to ONLY look at life from the lens of negativity. My heart chooses adventure and curiosity instead!

Im Gee and I pride myself in embracing my Authenticity as close as I can in my level of awareness.

I am forever a student of life, and I love being the teacher with fate as people learn from my experience and story.

I live as I learn and I am an enthusiastic and passionate storyteller of my experience. I believe that as I put it out there, my story serves as a light to connect me with kindred souls, and learn from each other. At the end of the day, we are one souls who remember each other piece by piece.

There is more to learn and contemplate while living, and the more I open my mind and eyes to each level of every profound experience as I happen in life, the more grounded & humbled I find myself being in this world.

There is so much to see, to experience, to feel and to share in this world, that to me, it will always be a wonder, an adventure, with laughter, with tears, with love, with joy and most of all, with pain.

As I navigate the spectrum of highs and lows, the structure and the flow, the alignment and misalignment, the dark and the light, I get to know deeper of how beautifully imperfect we are and there are deeper layers to discover while there is only the appreciation of the simplicity of everything.

I'm open-minded that speaks from the heart and mind, most on good days, and trying my best to be gentle on the bad.

Its wonderful how amazing it is to be human, to be walking in this earth, and to take every opportunity as the adventure of learning.

I love deep conversations, I love sharing thoughts and insights in exchanges that leaves both you and I pondering.

Ready for some deep talk and authentic living? Shoot me a message…

Giana “Gee”


I'm a Registered Nurse with some fancy masters degrees on paper, but at heart, I'm just a passionate soul. I thrive on Connecting Science with Spirit, diving deep into a journey to experience and learn both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, and bringing them together in synergy!

I'm all about discussing the essence of Spirituality and dismantling the sabotage of the Mind, I learn as I go, and I share as I connect deeper with myself.

Oh, and being a Manifesting Generator with a 5/1 Profile, its my nature to not just talk the talk—I make sure to deeply understand what I'm sharing.

I always see myself to be the centre stage of my life’s play, the hero of my own human life's quest (Line 5 Profiles).

I'm always buzzing with excitement to spread my latest mindset breakthroughs, realisations, and contemplations to anyone curious and open to it!

Let's chat!

The Name


Comfort in Discomforts.

Deep learning in the discomfort, trying not to be frozen in fearing it, but perceiving it as a wall that can be expanded to get to greater heights outside the human comfort.

Fear of PAIN.


But most of all, Fear of Stagnation at a limit because of Being unable to get past the MINDSET LIMITATION due to LOW PAIN THRESHOLD.

The name Hypoxic Peaks means, the Peak of Hypoxia “no air”.

A figure on the limitation of self and the threshold of pain and discomfort.

I myself knows that I turn back around when I see this mind’s wall,

but to surrender is to be humble and to acknowledge your limits,

but also, to push through is to know your readiness to get to the next level.

Its always the dance between the two.

This site is dedicated to all of my journey of life’s curiosity and ways in living it to my unknown potential, attempting to respect and push my own limits at the same time.

Maybe what I am curious about is to see every edge of my world, and see if I can expand it further and how long will it be for me to stay on that edge before I can add Earth to make my world bigger. And here in this space is where I document all my musings, my curiosities, my dreams and my story.

And see for myself at the end of all of this, how much have I covered in this lifetime? How expressive am I along the way? How much growth have I kept to myself or shared to the world?

All I hope for is if you resonate and relate to any of my ideas and views, is for you to take yourself to your next level, or invest time in that curiosity that sparked you in any way through my story, my life, my words.

“The path to AUTHENTICITY may be filled with challenges of unlearning and letting go, tough as it may seem, take this as the adventure of our time!”

— Giana